Directions to where I will be set up for my booked and Turbo Shoots at C2E2 2017 below:
Lower Fountains: Go through the main entrance, up the long hallway to the C2E2 letters that are in front of the main entrance to the show floor. Behind the C2E2 letters there is a set of escalators that go down 2-3 levels. Take these all the way downstairs to the bottom floor. This is the fountain area and I will be set up here (with a ton of other photographers) most of the con.
Phone number to contact Wes: 7409888441
TURBO SHOOTS: (Click links for more info on Turbo Shoots)
FRIDAY: 2-3PM (Lower Fountains - See directions above)
FRIDAY: 5-6PM (Lower Fountains - See directions above)
SATURDAY: 2-3PM (at the large Overwatch meetup, though any fandom is welcome to my shoots.)
SUNDAY: No Turbo Shoots Sunday
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SPECIAL FOR C2!! When you come for your shoot I will have a wifi hotspot on named "Free Karma By Wes". I get a referral credit for every person who connects, so if you connect (use the same email address that you gave to me) you not only get some bandwidth to check your messages, but I will get credit as well. Every person who connects will get a coupon code to add one FREE extra image to whatever package they selected. Come to your shoot, see the hotspot, log in and get a free pic added to any package. It's that easy!