Yep so it happened. I'm hooked. Completely, totally, head over heels hooked on this game. Ever since I got my new gaming....err......editing laptop I have been considering what game to buy. I settled on Overwatch and ooooooh my *swoon*. Considering that Blizzard is fairly new to FPS scene, this is an absolutely AMAZING first go. Needless to say I am one happy camper.
That being said I wanted to make a gallery on my Facebook page to showcase the absolutely amazing cosplays that I am seeing come from this game. Look below to check it out, and while you're at it please click through and like my page! I have all kinds of new content going up over there as well as here, so keep your eyes out!
If you play PC add me up! My Battle.Net ID is:
PortraitDude #1434